Lush hauls / Cleanser, Mask, Cleansing Cream

Hey there~!:)
This is my first posting.
It's about Lush Hauls,

Even I didn't have flawless skin,
It has been going crazy in winter season..
I hope my hauls can be helpful to you.

These are my lovely pots!
Catastrophe Cosmetic(Mask), Cosmetic Warrior(Mask), Ultrabland(Cleansing Cream), Angels On Bare Skin(Cleanser), Dark Angels;empty pot(Cleanser)

Dark Angels;empty pot(Cleanser)
£6.75 for 100g
Yeah, It's gone, I've used this product to scrub my skin. Even it doesn't have smooth texture, It pretty works well to get rid of dust(black head too!). When you use this product, you should mix with warm water well. The coal and butter,the main ingredients, might remain on your skin. 

Angels On Bare Skin(Cleanser)
£6.75 for 100g / top-left side
It smells gorgeous. It contains Chamomile oil, Lavender oil, Almond etc, so It works great for everyday cleanser. Also, It's easier to apply on your skin than Dark Angels.

 Ultrabland(Cleansing Cream)
£11.5 for 100g / top-right side
These days I am really into eye makeup! The problem is I couldn't find good product to wash off my remained make up product. It works gently on my skin and it can melt every product well!! I am just falling in love in it <3. Even we should wipe off the product with wet cloth after melting process, I won't get back the title : MOST EFFECTIVE CLEANSER EVER. If you have dry skin, and you felt tight after cleansing, you have to use it.

 Cosmetic Warrior(Mask)
£6.5 for 75g / bottom-left side
Aw, you must be terrified with the smell!! It's just awful. However, there is a reason I couldn't throw away it. This product make my troublesome skin calm. It really works. After squeeze out a pimple, my skin goes crazy, but this product is very helpful to make my angry skin cool down. 

 Catastrophe Cosmetic(Mask)
£6.5 for 75g / bottom-right side
My everyday mask! It contains my favorite fruits, blueberry. you could feel freshness in the product. Also, the mud make my skin clean. The biggest cons is the texture, It's too tick to apply on my skin. Though I love blueberry, the peels are bothering to apply a bit.

I am sure we totally adjusted to chemical products,
but you should know those are not good for our skin condition.
Will you give up your glowing skin because of the convenient?
Try them, I didn't regret to buy them:)

Follow my Insta!<3

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Hello I am Jamie.
I really hope you to get the tips you needed,
It must be lovely to share your tips with me. XOXO

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