Benefit DR.feel good / Primer Recommendation

Hello again!!:)
It's been a while! I brought my lovely PRIMER

The product is balm contained in a tin case. When you buy it, you will get a sponge to apply the product. However, you should throw away it. Just use it for your foundation puff!! I don't know why Benefit thought we need THE sponge! It prevents the product to attach on my skin, I mean It makes product stray and clean all on the skin, TOTALLY USELESS.

So, I recommend you to use your own finger. After applying sunblock, apply it on your skin, which has many pores, and we should WAIT for 30sec to make stiffen. Then, It won't stray and make flawless skin. I usually use it on my nose only, but you can use on a forehead, cheeks etc. Just remember to leave it more than 30 secs.

There are so many pores on hands, but you would see how different between the before and the after picture.

It really works, and I made 3 empty tins already!!
I highly recommend it if you want to have flawless skin:P

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Hello I am Jamie.
I really hope you to get the tips you needed,
It must be lovely to share your tips with me. XOXO

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