UrbanDecay Alice in Wonderland Palette Review

ㅣ Alice in Wonderland Palette Review ㅣ
ㅣ Urban Decay ㅣ
ㅣ USD 60 ㅣ

Hello guys. Today, I got an old fashion product haha. A few weeks ago, Alice Through the Looking Glass film is released in Korea, later than UK ofc. Unfortunately, UB Alice in Wonderland Palette is not released in Korea. So, II have posted it on my Enchanted Chest, the korean one. and I brought the same pics for you:D

This gorgeous packaging can forgive the tacky quality of the shadows right? 
Its design is fascinating as Alice Through the Looking Glass is. The words characters said are printed on the box to remind us the movie. Also, a mirror which is not for the makeup but a design and a butterfly which led Alice through Wonderland seem like saying it is for Alice geeks, like me :D

This is the shadows in the Alice Palette. Left side is under natural light and right side is under the flash light. Also, those shadows are separated with Alice, Hatter, Miranda(White queen), Iracebeth(Red queen), Time section. 

First impression of the palette was pretty good, I thought I can use all colours on the palette except Hatter, Heads Will Roll, and Metamorphosis etc. BUT. BUT. B.U.T.! a lot of colours are faded and it can't show its colour properly on the skin. I saw famous beauty Youtubers said it is too pigmented to use, now I totally got what it means.

(The first row is swatches, the second row is under flash light, and the last is under natural light.)

 First Section is ALICE.

Looking Glass is babypink colour with tiny particles of pearl but it is just whity pearl on the skin.
Reflection is beige colour without pearl, I use it as the base of shadow.
Dormouse is light brown colour, bit of orange undertoned, I tried it as transition colour and i noticed it has orange undertoned too much. When you blend it, it just shows orange colour not brown.  
Metamorphosis is skyblue colour, which made me remind Alice's skirt.
It has medium sized particles as well. 

The second section is HATTER.

Hatter is vivid green colour with tiny pearl particles, it shows its green colour on the skin perfectly.
Gone Mad is dark purple colour with tiny particles as well, it is gorgeous colour I think but it can't show its colour vividly on the skin.
Paradox is sparkling orange colour. It is pretty itself and I wanted to try it as my main colour.
Cake is sparkling orchid colour, we can see the swatch colour is sparkling as it is. Pretty one.

The third section is Miranda. 
4 colours seem like beautiful, I am sorry Lily and Duchess has nearly same colour.

Lily is pearly ivory colour, it shows pink opal on the swatch.
Duchess is pearly copper colour I was so excited first time, but it looks like just pink opal as exactly same with Lily:(
Kingdom is pearly brown colour, it is a beautiful colour on the skin as well I loved it.
Chessboard is my favourite one on the palette. It is matte brown, so I can use it as the base, transition, and even main colour.

The fourth section is Red Queen.

Heads Will Roll is beach colour with white pearl in, it shows its colour on the skin but i should think more how to use this colour :)
Bandersnatch is really interesting colour for me. There are a lot of pearly navy shadows, but it is just matte! I loved it so much. We need to be cafeful to use it cuz it is sometimes just wiped out to blend it.
Salazen Grum is pearly Burgundy colour, I know it is perfect for this autumn season. I am so thankful to UB to make this colour. it is gorgeous as well on the skin.
Royal Flush is super pearly ivory colour. It shows white pearly colour like Looking Glass(Alice section) but it has bigger pearl, it will be pretty on you if you have light skin:D

Last Time section is great for smoky eyes.

Time is pearly dark indigo blue colour, this gorgeous colour is vivid on the skin as well.
Dream On has really big sparkles, it seems like muted purple but it just crystal sparkles on the skin. But this colour is still gorgeous. 
Chronosphere is basic pearl brown colour. it is great for making the depth on the coner of the eyes.
Mirror is tiny pearly grey colour. it is great for grey smoky and it shows its colour on the skin well. 

I was really excited to get Allice palette, there are a lot of gorgeous colours enough. Was I too greedy? to get perfect 20 shadows ;D because there are 3~4 colours nearly same on the palette. It is definitely worth to buy for Alice geek like me, but if you were not a fan of Alice, think one more time before decide to purchase it :D

Thanks for reading it gorgeous!
If you have any idea, plz leave the comments for me
See you soon!

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