Holborn KANADAYA Japanese noodle bar

Hello guys!! It has been super cold and I have been suffered by bad cold:(
It is the season everyone needs savory food.
My favourite savory food is Ramen which is Japanese noodle in beef, chicken or pork broth.

I have craved for noodle for a while so, my lovely husband took me KANADAYA near by Holborn station.
It was around 5PM which is before dinner time but there was LONG QUE in front of the cuisine. Also, it was pretty interesting to me that FOH staff just locked the door for customers who enjoy ramen lol  

 Anyway, we got a menu in the que so we could save the time to decide what we want to dig in.
I choose TONKOTSU X which seems full of nutrient in cuz I still felt bad and my husband choose GEKIKARA to spice up.

 Visiting a nice Japanese cuisine, you have to order KARAAGE(fried chicken) because the place serves thin, crispy and moist inside fried chicken regard as a really nice Japanese cuisine. 
So, I ordered KARAAGE as well :D

 When you order your noodle, you can select the hardness of the noodle. If you were familiar with the well cooked noodle texture, go for soft noodle and if you were familiar with the al dente pasta, you can choose regular or hard. I believe Ramen should be with really soft noodle, but it is up to you. 

Finally, FOH staff opened the door and let us sit. We had to share the table with other customers cuz KANADAYA is not that big cuisine. I didn't mind it but if you were with your lover or date I recommend to skip this place as the first date. You should rush and dig in without conversation :D

As you can see, there are pictures of Ramen kindly, so you can choose easily what you want even though it is the first time to try Japanese noodle.

DONKOTSU X Ramen is made with chicken and pork bone broth. On the top of the ramen, there are chashu(slow cooked soft pork), spring onions and sea weed as a topping.

As I expected, the soup was really thick and warm, which is perfect savory food to get rid of cold. if you have tried nice beef broth before, you might have experienced the stickiness on your lips after swallowing the soup. DONKOSU X's soup is same as well, and I felt even it is greasy a bit. I am a bit worried that it might be a weird feeling for you, but if you were looking for dense, a high-calorie energy boosting food, there we go. I definitely recommend it.  

 Next is my husband's menu, GEKIKARA ramen.
It is made with pork bone broth and same topping as DONKOTSU X ramen, but there is spicy minced pork on top. 

 The thickness and the stickiness of the soups were very similar to me even the taste as well, but GEKIKARA was not greasy at all because of the spicy minced pork. The spicy kick reduced the greasiness in the soup, but for me, it was pretty spicy as I felt the smoke in my nose. If you were weak at spicy food like me, go for DONKOTSU ;D

As the last menu, there is KARAAGE(fried chicken).
There were 4 pieces as I remember, a piece of lime and honey mustard sauce.
The chicken was really crispy and juicy, It was nice to have a bite and feel crispy sound, and juicy chicken was running around in your mouth right next to it.
The batter seems a bit thicker than normal KARAAGE. So if you ask me whether we have to try KARAAGE to taste proper Japanese KARAAGE, then my answer is no. But I believe you will still enjoy this fried chicken as fried chicken.

My grany always cooked proper broth soup when I am sick and said the sweat after having hot soup will take cold together. Maybe that's why I always look for hot broth when I am sick. 

If you want to try proper Japanese noodle, Ramen. Try KANADAYA.
If you look for hot savory food as same reason like me, again. Try KANADAYA.

Tasty Score ; 7.5 / 10
Price ; £££
Service ; not bad

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