Gran's Remedy / Stinky TOMS?, SNEAKERS?!

Hi, It's warm really.
This warm weather would make our feet soak very soon.
The thing we know is when our pretty feet become sweaty, these will be horribly stinky.

So, I wanna share this little pot to get rid of stink

It's not a big pot but it has long shelf life.
My gran has solved my little problems and this Grandma from New Zealand does same thing to me.

This powder is too dusty like icing sugar so It blows away everywhere.
Pour 1 spoon in your each shoes(TOMS, Sneakers), and shake them slightly then the product will be spreaded in your shoes and it kill bacteria and germs, which make your shoes stinky in 1 day. It says we need to do same process everyday for 7days but my stinky shoes were gone in 3days.

When you wear your shoes, It might be remained in your shoes but It is not harmful to your skin and actually it recommends you to apply the product on your feet to get rid of sweat.

If you are fed up with your stinky shoes. Try it:)
I totally works.

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Hello I am Jamie.
I really hope you to get the tips you needed,
It must be lovely to share your tips with me. XOXO

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