[ Eye ] Urbandecay Naked2 Basic is awesome for everyday makeup

Hello, It’s Jamie from Enchanted Chest! 
I believe you have SO MANY eyeshadow in your drawer as I have
Today, I wanna recommend Urban Decay Naked2 Basics for everyday basic makeup

If you have purchased Naked series, you would love its pigmented texture.
Like other Naked series, this palette is designed based on Pigment Infusion System
That's why it's blended smoothly like velvet showing its beautiful colour.

 Naked2 Basic has 5 matte shades and 1 pearly shade.

The instruction backside of the box says Naked2 Basic has taupe shades for cool toned skin.
So you can get pink under toned shades.
If you have beautiful warm toned skin, I just recommend you to choose Naked Basic, which has yellow under toned shades for your everyday eye shadow palette.

This is the look you could see,

Naked series are released in the tin case, but Basic series' case are designed smaller size with plastic. Also, this is pink brown colour case. What an adorable casing.

There is information about the palette
;1.3g with the 6 shades each and the shelf-life is 12month

SKIMP; NUDE colour with slightly pink tone 
and it has satin pearl. It would be perfect to apply on your eyebrow to highlight it.
STARK; matte NUDE colour with pink undertone. 
It's perfectly mixed in my skin wearing Double Wear(Estee Lauder) Fresco. 
I always use STARK as my base colour.  
COVER; muted matte RED BROWN colour. 
I make deapth with COVER right up to my outer eye lid.
Then you could get soft daily makeup look.
FRISK; matte TAUPE shade. 
FRISK is my favourite shade, and I always use it to exaggerate the eye socket. 
(You know.. typical asian eyes lol)
PRIMAL; muted matte BROWN. 
It's beautiful on the outer conner of eyes to make your daily makeup heavier.
It gives dramatic look on the eye-line, outer conner and underline. 
You love UNDONE changing your daily makeup look to get smokey makeup look for the evening schedule.   

My everyday makeup look with STAKR, FRISK, PRIMAL. 

The problem is there are always abandoned shades, when we purchase any palettes. But we don't need to worry about it with NAKED2 BAISC.
I've been using all shades in NAKED2 BASIC and I believe you do so

Check your skin tone 'yellow under tone VS pink under tone'
If you have pink under toned skin like me, you are cool toned skin.
you'd rather buy NAKED2 BASIC than NAKED BASIC.
Inverse case, you are warm tone so I recommend you to buy NAKED BASIC.

This Product was truly worth for me.
I hope you love this one:) 

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Hello I am Jamie.
I really hope you to get the tips you needed,
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