Chinese Special House Noodle Recipe

Hello guys, what's your favourite delivery menu among Chinese takeout? My all time favourite is Special fried noodle. I think I had ordered the same menu once a week at least as the staff recognised my face and my order. When I have craving for Special fried noodle, I am so sad about the amount of it. You know, I can even finish two boxes, that's why I tried to cook it myself. Less money, more amount :)

I tried this menu every weeks(yeah, no takeout anymore), and I found out the way to make it easier. It doesn't just cost less, but you can control the oil and even the salt.
Sounds interesting? Then, let's start it!

< Ingredient for 2-3 >

1 cereal bowl of any kind of meat(or no meat)    
1 pack of vegetable for stir frying
2 lines of spring onions
1 hand-grab of bean sprout
160-200g of Egg noodle

< For Seasoning >

Garlic Salt
Chinese 5 spice seasoning
Dark soy sauce
Light soy sauce
vegetable oil

Pour 80g of oil in the wok, and put spring onion on high heat
When spring onion's scent is extracted, put meat and put a plenty of Chinese seasoning

  You might think the amount of oil is too much, but if there is no enough oil, your noodle is not cooked and it will be very dry. In this case, I just put a bit of water, but it would have soggy texture. Also, It is the last chance for your dish to wear Chinese scent, so add enough seasoning as you can see the seasoning on your meat ingredient like picture.

When your meat is almost cooked, put your vegetable ingredient
Add a table spoon of oyster sauce, and plenty of garlic salt.
Start to prepare your noodle at this point, before it's cooked

Please remember, we will add noodle as the last, and the salt will be mix with noodle.
That's why it should be salty than you want at this point

Put your dry noodle in a big pot and boil water in the kettle
When the water boils, pour on your dry noodle and let it cook till the noodle becomes soft
Drain it roughly, and add it in the wok

You don't need to fully cook your noodle in the pot because we will move it into the wok and mix with everything. Then, your noodle will cook absorbing vege extract, oil, and sauce.

Add each of 3.5 table spoon of dark soy sauce and light soy sauce (1:1)
Cook the noodle shacking the wok till it gets the texture you like on high heat

If your noodle starts to burn not cooked, it means we need more oil. But it is too late to add more oil, so put a bit of water and its steam will cook your noodle right away.

I read on BBC it is really healthy food because it contains load of vegetable, but isn't it a it greasy to call 'health'?;) At least, you can control your oil with homemade version, if your put less oil? it is totally fine, just add more water at last stage.

I love this dish so much regardless of the health concern we talked already. You can try with seafood and even without any of meat. I believe you still like it so much. 

Then, let's dig in :D

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Hello I am Jamie.
I really hope you to get the tips you needed,
It must be lovely to share your tips with me. XOXO

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